Plasser & Theurer offers a number of options to make machine operation even more cost-effective in the long term, to be able to carry out contracts in a far more profitable way. The efficiency of track maintenance today is unprecedented.
To a large extent, this is due to the mechanised methods of work introduced by Plasser & Theurer which continue to give fresh impetus. Particularly in times of greater cost awareness in the entire railway sector, new ideas and innovative approaches are in demand. One central question that is asked again and again: how can the commercial efficiency of our machines be upheld for as long as possible?
The clear answer is our worldwide network. Maintenance services such as repairs and overhauls can be performed in well-proven Plasser & Theurer quality by our service partners located all over the world.
The same applies for the training centre in Linz. Here our customers' personnel have the possibility to attend comprehensive training programmes to learn about correct operation and servicing.